Invitation is used to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something.
Invitation consists of :
Invitation consists of :
Person who invited
Invitation program
Time (day, date, hour)
Message with person
who extending
Kinds of invitation expressions:
Inviting :
Would you like to………..?
Would you like to come to………….?
Do you want to………?
We would like to invite you to…………..
We would like you join us for……….
How about………….?
Do you mind to come to………..?
Please come to………….
I’ll be happy if you come to………
Let’s we go to…………
Accepting an invitation :
Of course !
Thank you, I will come.
I’d love to……….
I’d like to………….
That sounds great.
It sounds a nice idea.
That would be terrific !
That would be amazing!
That would be wonderful!
Thanks for inviting me.
It’s very kind of you to invite me.
I’d be happy to……..
I like that.
I’d be delighted to……..
That’s nice.
Declining an invitation :
No, thank you.
I’d love to, but………….
I’m sorry. I can’t.
I’d like to, but I have many thing to do right
I don’t think I can go. Sorry.
I would love to, but………..
It’s good, but………….
Sorry. It’s good, but I can’t.
There are 2 type of Invitation:
a. Formal invitation
Formal invitation is usually originate from university, companies, and a kind of it. Normally formal invitation is written invitation.
a. Formal invitation
Formal invitation is usually originate from university, companies, and a kind of it. Normally formal invitation is written invitation.
Example of formal invitation :
28th September 2012
To : Mr. Stewart
Jalan Hiu Putih No. 9
At Palangkaraya
Good morning,
Mr. Stewart. We are from the jewelry company want to inform you that we have
make a meeting on :
Day/date :
Monday, 5th October 2012
Time :
at 8.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
Place :
at Aquarius Hotel Ballroom
It’s a
pleasure that you would like to come.
Jewelry Company
b. Informal
Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation.
Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation.
Example of informal invitation :
Hi, guys.
I’d like to invite you to come to my halloween party on :
Saturday, 2nd November 2012
at 9 p.m.
my home, jalan Badak No. 97
Don’t be late guys !
trick or treat ! yeaahh .....
With love,
Terima kasih atas penjelasannya Kak Hidayati, walaupun agak sulit membacanya dengan warna layar hitam.
BalasHapusgk bisa di copy yah?
BalasHapustolong ya mba kalau tidak ikhlas ngeshare jangan dishare! kalo mau ngasih info jangan diprotect, sama aja ngasih harapan palsu ke orang. saya cuma memberi kritik yang membangun.trims ~
BalasHapusyahhh, ga bisa di copy deh
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BalasHapusMaterinya udah bagus kak. Namun, jika kakak berniat untuk membagikan ilmu yang kakak punya, lebih baik gk usah diprotect. Niat awal untuk ngeprint buat bahan belajar jdi gk bisa. Karena itu termasuk perbuatan baik, masa setengah2? banyak blog yg isinya sama, bahkan lebih baik tpi bisa di copy.
BalasHapusbisa di copy kok.....hahahaa...kalian aj gak ngerti caranya...di (ctrl A) dulu baru klik kanan lalu (copy)
BalasHapusMakasih materinya :)
BalasHapusSama sama
HapusThanks you buat materinya
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